Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast

Your Local Exercise Physiologist on the Sunshine Coast

Need help managing pain, a chronic health condition or disability, or rehabilitating an injury? As your local Exercise Physiologist on the Sunshine Coast, Alignment Exercise Physiology is here to help.

Why Alignment Exercise Physiology? We understand that each individual is unique, and we treat the person, and not just the condition. We believe that everyone is entitled to good health, no matter what stage of life you are at.

Alignment Exercise Physiology has developed a reputation for achieving results for clients. Book your consultation with your local Sunshine Coast Exercise Physiologist today!

Exercise Physiology is ideal for individuals who:

Alignment Exercise Physiology can help people with chronic pain through tailored movement/exercise programs that promote pain modulation and enhance overall physical function. For more information on Exercise Physiology and chronic/persistent pain, please visit our pain management page.

Experience chronic/persistent pain

Exercise Physiologist Sunshine Coast for chronic pain

Just like how doctors prescribe medication for certain chronic health conditions, Clinical Exercise Physiologists do just that, but in the form of movement. Exercise Physiology is effective in managing the following chronic health conditions: Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Cancer, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and Cardiovascular disease. Can't see your condition? Send us a message and we'll get in contact to see if we can help.

Manage a chronic health condition

Manage chronic health conditions with Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast

At Alignment Exercise Physiology, we employ active rehabilitation—utilising your own voluntary movements—to restore range of motion, enhance joint stability, improve balance, build strength, and increase endurance. Our approach is designed to promote optimal, whole-body movement while reducing the risk of re-injury.

Require injury rehabilitation

Injury rehabilitation with Exercise Physiologist Sunshine Coast
Manage neurological conditions with Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast

Manage a neurological condition

Exercise Physiology can assist someone living with a neurological condition to maintain and improve their mobility, balance, strength, coordination, and ability to complete the activities that you need and love to do. If you have an NDIS plan, then you may be eligible mobile Exercise Physiology services. Please get in contact to find out.

Restorative Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast services


Restorative treatments that help rebuild function after injury or illness.

Holistic approach Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast


Our holistic approach addresses the whole-body naturally, ensuring comprehensive outcomes.

Personalised plans by an Exercise Physiologist Sunshine Coast


We provide personalised programs tailored to meet each individual's unique needs, goals, and preferences.

Book Your Exercise Physiology Appointment

  • Book Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast consultation

    Book your consultation

    Schedule your session by clicking the ‘Book Now’ button below.

  • Fill out the Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast online form

    Fill out the online form

    After booking, you'll receive a confirmation email with a link to our online form. Please complete this form with your details so we can better assist you.

  • Attend your Exercise Physiology Sunshine Coast appointment

    Attend your appointment

    Start your journey toward feeling and moving better by attending your first consultation.

Scott Howard Exercise Physiologist Sunshine Coast

“Movement is a medicine for creating positive change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.”

- Carol Welch


  • Your Initial Consultation is 90 minutes (1.5 hrs). During this time, information will be gathered, education provided, physical assessments will be conducted to guide your treatment plan, treatment to get you feeling and moving better, and a trial of your take-home exercises.

    Subsequent sessions will be of 60 minutes duration (1 hr).

  • The movement/exercises prescribed will be different for everyone and unique to their needs and ability. If you experience pain, then the therapeutic exercises you will receive may be gentle in nature to restore range of motion, stabilise your joints, and to release tension in the nervous system.

  • Alignment Exercise Physiology will strive to get your health back to where it needs to be as soon as possible. Therefore the number of consultation will be based on your unique circumstances.

    Healing, recovery, and health improvements take time. Alignment Exercise Physiology strives to provide treatment for as long as necessary, and no longer.

  • You will be given an exercise program (of up to 6 exercises) that is designed to fast track your recovery and your health improvements. All exercises are trialled within your consultation to ensure they are appropriate for you at that time.

    As some injuries and/or pain have been ongoing or present for months or even years, home exercises allow for greater improvement to occur between appointments. The more recovery you can produce at home, the less you need to see us!

  • As appointments are limited, a 24-hour notice period is required so that your appointment time-slot can be given to someone else. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, you may be charged a cancellation fee.

  • Please bring any relevant paperwork including referrals (EPC's, DVA, NDIS, or recent medical imaging).

    Feel free to wear something comfortable that you can easily move around in and enclosed shoes.