
Scott Howard Scott Howard

What Does an Exercise Physiologist Do?

Ever wondered what an Exercise Physiologist actually does and how they can help improve your health? In this blog, we’ll break down the world of Clinical Exercise Physiology in a way that’s easy to understand. You’ll see how these professionals use personalised exercise programs to manage chronic pain, help you recover from injuries, and even tackle conditions like heart disease and diabetes. From their thorough assessments to their customized plans, you’ll learn how they work to make a real difference in people’s lives. Whether you’re dealing with a health issue or just curious, this blog will show you how Clinical Exercise Physiologists help people live healthier, pain-free lives.

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Exercise Physiology vs Physiotherapy

Ever wondered what sets Exercise Physiology apart from Physiotherapy? In this blog, we dive into the unique roles of each profession and how they can benefit you. From tackling chronic conditions to recovering from injuries and boosting overall health, we'll help you understand who does what and when to seek their expertise. Whether you're dealing with ongoing pain or just looking to improve your fitness, get the lowdown on which health professional might be your best match. Let’s make sense of these two fields and find out how they can support your journey to better health!

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Gross Motor Milestones in Infants and Toddlers: A Guide for Parents

Discover the essential stages of gross motor milestones for infants and toddlers in this insightful blog. Learn what to expect at each stage, how to encourage your child’s development, and what to do if milestones are delayed. Whether you're a new parent or simply curious about child development, this guide offers practical tips and expert advice to help you support your little one’s journey to greater independence.

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Non-Pharmacological Pain Management

Delve into the world of non-pharmacological pain management, with a focus on the powerful role that exercise and movement play in reducing pain and enhancing quality of life. If you're dealing with chronic pain and you're looking for ways to manage it naturally, then have a read of this article that offers practical insights backed by the latest scientific research. Learn about how different types of exercises can help, and discover how you can incorporate them into your routine for long-term pain relief. Ready to explore how exercise can be your best ally in pain management? Dive in and start your journey to a pain-free life today!

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Pain Between Shoulder Blades?

Struggling with pain between your shoulder blades? Instead of zeroing in on one sore spot, it's crucial to consider the bigger picture—how your entire body moves and functions together. In this blog, we explore how everything from your daily posture to the mobility of your neck, shoulders, and thoracic spine can contribute to this type of pain. You'll learn why it's important to address these underlying factors and how a well-rounded movement approach can make all the difference!

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Chronic Pain vs Acute Pain

Pain is something we all experience, but not all pain is the same. There are differences when it comes to chronic pain vs acute pain. In our latest blog, we dive into the key differences between acute pain and chronic pain, how to recognise each, and what it means for your recovery. Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury or long-term discomfort, understanding your pain is the first step towards effective relief. Discover how acute pain can turn into persistent pain, and learn strategies for managing both in our comprehensive guide.

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Is Exercise Physiology Covered by Medicare?

Are you dealing with chronic pain or a long-term condition and wondering if Exercise Physiology is covered by Medicare? This comprehensive guide explains eligibility, the benefits of Exercise Physiology, and how to access these services through Medicare in Caloundra and the Sunshine Coast. Discover how personalised movement programs can help manage your health and improve your quality of life with professional support. Dive into the details and take the first step towards better health today!

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

Telehealth Exercise Physiology

Explore the innovative world of Telehealth Exercise Physiology and its role in chronic pain management. This comprehensive blog covers the benefits, evidence-based strategies, and personalised care offered through virtual sessions. Learn how technology is enhancing accessibility and effectiveness in rehabilitation, and discover how you can embark on a journey to pain relief and improved health from the comfort of your home. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or looking for a convenient way to stay active, Telehealth Exercise Physiology offers a flexible and effective solution.

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Scott Howard Scott Howard

In-Home Exercise Physiology on the Sunshine Coast

Explore the benefits of In-Home Exercise Physiology on the Sunshine Coast, including Currimundi and Caloundra. This blog delves into how personalised exercise programs can manage chronic pain, support injury rehabilitation, and enhance overall well-being. Learn about the convenience and effectiveness of In-Home services, especially for NDIS participants, and discover the latest scientific evidence supporting these interventions. Embrace a healthier, more active life with tailored Exercise Physiology that comes directly to you.

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