Privacy Policy


Alignment Exercise Physiology is committed to providing quality services and ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. This policy outlines our ongoing obligations regarding how we manage personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

2. Collection of Personal Information

2.1. Types of Information Collected

We collect personal information necessary for the performance of our services. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Names

  • Addresses

  • Email addresses

  • Phone numbers

  • Medical histories

  • Other relevant health information

2.2. Methods of Collection

Personal information is collected through various means, including:

  • Consultations

  • Forms (both physical and electronic)

  • Correspondence (emails, letters)

  • Third parties when necessary and with consent

2.3. Purpose of Collection

We collect personal information for the primary purpose of providing our services, managing client relationships, and for directly related secondary purposes which would be reasonably expected by the individual, or to which the individual has consented.

3. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

3.1. Primary Use

Personal information is used to:

  • Provide health services

  • Communicate with clients

  • Maintain client records

3.2 Disclosure

We may disclose personal information:

  • To other healthcare providers with client consent

  • To third parties where required by law

  • For secondary purposes that are closely related to the primary purpose and for which the individual would reasonably expect us to use the information

Sensitive information will only be used or disclosed for the primary purpose for which it was obtained or for secondary purposes directly related to the primary purpose.

4. Data Quality and Security

4.1. Accuracy and Completeness

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, and disclose is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

4.2. Security

Personal information is stored securely to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. Security measures include:

  • Secure physical storage of records

  • Use of secure, encrypted electronic storage systems

  • Access controls within our systems

4.3. Data Retention

When personal information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify it.

5. Access and Correction

5.1. Access Rights

Individuals have the right to access their personal information held by us. Requests for access can be made in writing and will be responded to within a reasonable timeframe.

5.2. Correction of Information

If an individual believes that their personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, they may request corrections. Requests for correction can be made in writing.

6. Complaints Handling

6.1. Lodging a Complaint

Complaints regarding our handling of personal information should be directed to our Practice Manager (Scott Howard). Complaints can be made in writing or via email.

6.2. Response Process

We will respond to complaints within 14 days. If a complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily, individuals may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

7. Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme

7.1. Compliance

In accordance with the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme under the Privacy Act, we will notify affected individuals and the OAIC of any data breaches that are likely to result in serious harm. We will take reasonable steps to contain and remedy the breach and provide recommendations to affected individuals.

8. Openness and Transparency

8.1. Availability of Policy

This Privacy Policy is publicly available on our website, and individuals may request a copy at any time.

9. Enquiries

9.1. Contact Information

For any enquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or our handling of personal information, please contact the clinic:

Scott Howard

Alignment Exercise Physiology