Online Exercise Physiology

We understand that sometimes, it’s just a bit too hard to get to the clinic, you may not have an Exercise Physiologist nearby, or your injury or disability may impact your ability to attend in-person. That’s why Online Exercise Physiology is an effective way to access the quality healthcare you need. You can receive expert guidance right at your fingertips from the comfort of your own home.

Online Exercise Physiology (Telehealth)

Telehealth Exercise Physiology consultation

Online Exercise Physiology is ideal for individuals who:

Online sessions bring expertise right to your living room, ensuring you receive quality care no matter where you live.

Live in remote or rural areas

Online exercise physiology for rural and remote areas

Flexible appointment times mean you can fit your Exercise Physiology appointment around work, family, and other commitments. No need to worry about commuting or finding time during your hectic day.

Have a busy schedule

Online exercise physiology for busy schedules

Maybe your injury or disability is preventing you from travelling. Alignment Exercise Physiology believes everyone should have access to quality healthcare, regardless of location or physical status.

Have travel restrictions

Online exercise physiology for travel restriction

Seek tailored, expert advice and treatment

Tailored online exercise physiology treatment

Receive individualised treatment plans designed by a Clinical Exercise Physiologist to address your specific needs. Whether it's managing chronic pain, recovering from injury, or exercise plans for chronic health conditions.

Convenient online exercise physiology sessions


Personalised treatment in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Effective online exercise physiology outcomes


Telehealth can be just as effective as in-person consultations.

100% secure online exercise physiology services

100% Secure

Cliniko is a practitioner-patient platform that is secure and encrypted.

Book Your Online Exercise Physiology Appointment

  • Book your consultation

    Schedule your session online through our website. Upon scheduling, you will also complete the pre-payment for your appointment.

  • Fill out the online form

    After booking, you'll receive a confirmation email with a link to our online form. Please complete this form with details about your injury or concern so we can better assist you.

  • Attend your appointment

    At your appointment time, click the link in your confirmation or reminder email. No special software is needed. You can join the session on any device with a front-facing camera—laptop, tablet, or smartphone. An internet connection is required.


  • Online Exercise Physiology sessions are designed to be highly effective, mirroring the benefits of in-person consultations. While the setting is virtual, the quality of guidance and personalisation remains top-notch. You'll receive tailored exercise plans, real-time feedback, and continuous support, all adapted to your specific needs and goals. The convenience of online Exercise Physiology also means you're more likely to maintain consistency and commitment. With the right setup and communication, you can achieve results comparable to those of in-person sessions.

  • Your Initial Consultation is 90 minutes (1.5 hrs). During this time, information will be gathered, education provided, physical assessments will be conducted to guide your treatment plan, treatment to get you feeling and moving better, and a trial of your take-home exercises.

    Subsequent sessions will be of 60 minutes duration (1 hr).

  • The movement/exercises prescribed will be different for everyone and unique to their needs and ability. If you're someone who who experience pain, then the therapeutic exercises you will receive may be gentle in nature to meet you exactly where you are at.

  • Alignment Exercise Physiology will strive to get your health back to where it needs to be as soon as possible. Therefore the number of consultation will be based on your unique circumstances.

    Healing, recovery, and health improvements take time. Alignment Exercise Physiology strives to provide treatment for as long as necessary, and no longer.

  • You will be given an exercise program (of up to 6 exercises) that is designed to fast track your recovery and your health improvements. All exercises are trialled within your Online Exercise Physiology consultation to ensure they are appropriate for you at that time.

    As some injuries and/or pain have been ongoing or present for months or even years, home exercises allow for greater improvement to occur between appointments. The more recovery you can produce at home, the less you need to see us!

  • Yes, many private health insurance providers cover online (telehealth) Exercise Physiology sessions. Coverage can vary between providers and policies, so we recommend checking with your insurer to confirm your specific entitlements.

  • Yes, Medicare provides rebates for online (telehealth) Exercise Physiology sessions under certain conditions. To be eligible, you typically need a referral from your GP as part of a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) or other relevant care plans. Please consult with your GP or contact us for more information on how to access Medicare rebates for our telehealth services.

  • Please have any relevant paperwork including referrals (EPC's, DVA, NDIS, or recent medical imaging).

    Feel free to wear something comfortable that you can easily move around in and enclosed shoes.

Still got questions? Read our blog about Online Exercise Physiology or get in contact.